Product Calculator
Use our product calculator to find the Sauer Compressor that best fits your needs.

Build Your Compressor
Note the specifications you require for your Sauer Compressor and we’ll produce a customized solution for you.

Choose from basic units, skid mounted packages or full containerized solutions ranging from 150–5,800 psig.

Customized Solutions
We provide our customers with a solution for any requirement, whether you are just looking for a compressor block or a complete custom engineered compressor package.

Air Cooled Compressors
Pressure Range: 100-6000 psi (5.8-164.6 SCFM)
Medium: Air, Nitrogen, Helium, Natural Gas, Bio-Methane.

Water Cooled Compressors
Pressure Range: 150-7000 psi (27-480 SCFM)
Medium: Air, Nitrogen, Helium, Natural Gas, Bio-Methane

Boosters and Gas Compressors
Pressure Range: 150-7250 psi (6.9-518 SCFM)

Helium Compressors
Gas-tight crank case with double lip seal at the crankshaft.

HAUG Oil-Free Compressors
Pressure Range: 150-7250 psi (6.9-518 SCFM)
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