Sauer Compressors USA
The Sauer Scoop

Compressors for Seismic Exploration

Posted on April 29, 2022 by Crystal Wilson

Industrial oil and gas consumption is growing throughout the world. This means that new technologies and deposits must constantly be found if this increased demand is to be met. The fact that Sauer compressors are very much at home on ships makes them ideal for use onboard exploration vessels which use air guns to survey the seabed around the world to find and exploit new deposits. As the only supplier who can provide the compressors for the air guns and the compressors for starting diesel engines, Sauer Compressors can offer its customers complete solutions!

Sauer compressors are equally at home on oil platforms too. Our compressors meet the strict requirements imposed within this branch of industry. They compensate for the sea’s natural movement and thus help ensure that drilling and production can continue even when the sea is rough. So naturally, we are on hand to assist you even after your compressors have been delivered. Sauer’s service personnel will always get to you, whether they travel by helicopter or ship.

Specifically, in the seismic exploration industry, the seismic air guns are mechanical devices with metal flaps that release high-pressure air underwater and are towed behind a vessel to find oil & gas underneath the seabed. The air bubbles expand, generating seismic waves that reach the seabed. The reflections from these waves are recorded by a streamer, which then provides detailed information about the seabed structure and possible oil & gas fields. Seismic operators, research industries, shipyards, and packagers use Sauer compressors to supply high-pressure air for air guns.

Which Sauer product ranges are used?

  • Product ranges: Hurricane, 5000, 6000
  • Volumetric flow: 70 – 420 SCFM
  • Pressure range: 1700 – 3000 PSIG
  • Medium: Air

Sauer compressors have long been a staple of the oil and gas industry. They are synonymous with maximum reliability and process safety under the most demanding conditions, both offshore and onshore. Besides our extensive portfolio of turnkey products and rentals, we offer custom solutions specially tailored to the requirements of the oil and gas industry. Whether upstream, midstream, or downstream – we provide dependable solutions for the petro industry wherever you need them. Our products comply with all relevant standards and are designed to meet the challenges of 24/7 operation.